October 4, 2005

Howdy Do

Howdy, I have not made time to mention my time back in Texas...at it is worth mentioning! Only problem remaining is that I can't begin to find the words to describe the goodness of the time. It was Good. I got to see not only my family...but family I haven't seen in years all together! Everyone gathered to celebrate my Grandparent's 50th Anniversary and it went great. It was especially good to get up to Abilene and to be overwhelmed by the goodness of my friends there. I wasn't sure how good it was at times to be seeing so many, and to feel so blessed by them as I feared the impending departure. Salt in a wound at times to fellowship in such company, but it was way worth it, and I am feeding off the memories of such Love still every day. But it is Amazing to rest assured that no matter where I may travel, I am always safe in the arms of the Lord...and I am learning day by day to allow the Peace of such Assurance to reign in my heart...no matter what.

May God richly bless you all...I miss you, and pray that we are together again SOON - though I Rejoice that we are united in the Spirit of Christ no matter the distance! I love you all so much, and am forever thankful for the fellowship I have known, do know, and will know Forever with you. Cheers y'all.

"If I go up to the Heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the Far side of the sea....EVEN THERE Your hand Will Guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast!" (Ps. 139:8-10)

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